PMDisha is a multi dimensional assessment. The different parameters of assessment are

  1. Competency : Covers the 10 Project Management Knowledge Areas
  2. Processes : Parameters such as Compliance, Metrics & Measurements,Tracking & Reviewing, Benefit Realization are gauged / evaluated / assessed
  3. PM Skills : Analytical skills, Application skills, Integration skills, Decision making

The candidates should have prior exposure to Project Management, s/he should be in a Project Role like Team Member, Project Manager, etc.

Maximum 180 minutes for all assessments put together. This is taken up in phases

There are TWO Assessments

  1. The project managers & team members shall be administered Part-I & II
  2. The decision makers shall be administered only Part-II


The candidates should have prior exposure to Project Management, should have PM role like Team Member, Project Manager, etc.


The assessment can be tailored to specific parameters as required by the organizaition

  1. Yes. Free trail is available for corporate accounts only. Please mail us at info@pmsoft.com
  2. The maximum group size for the free trial can be upto 15 PMs and 4 licenses for their reporting managers
  3. PMDisha shall provide the consolidated report post assessment

OPTION-I : 2 layered assessment

  1. Assessment is delivered in 2 parts. Project team members (who are engaged in execution) shall be entitled for Part-I & Part -II
  2. The second group is of Decision Makers which comprises of the direct reporting managers of the above group, who form the executive layer of the organization.e.g. BU Head / Functional head etc.

OPTION-II : Entire Organization

  1. This can be conducted across Business Units of the organization
  2. The second group is of BU Heads and Functional heads which comprises of the direct reporting managers of the above group, who form the executive layer of the organization.e.g. BU Head / Functional head etc.
  3. The third layer shall comprise of CEO/CXO and Council members of the core business team

PMDisha shall also help the organization to identify the stakeholders according to organization’s structure.


This assessment is intended to measure the overall Project and Program Management capability of the organization. For individual assessment you can use the product ‘PMProfile’